Our History

DEFY History

In 2016, Benjamin Nadolsky ’18, Matthew Smith ’18, and Rose Bender ‘19 founded Disability Empowerment for Yale (DEFY) after noting the absence of a voice on Yale’s campus for students with disabilities, who are often forgotten and alienated. In response, they sought to empower and educate in order to create a more equitable environment on this campus.

Pictured, left to right: Back row: Brennan Carman ‘20, Joshua Slocum ‘18. Front row: Emma Hastings ‘18, Rose Bender ‘19, Benjamin Nadolsky ‘18, Jack Lattimore ‘20.
Since its founding, DEFY has advocated for and achieved the creation of an ASL language program; established the first new Peer Liaison program in more than a decade in partnership with Student Accessibility Services; created a Disability Peer Mentor Program to support undergraduate, graduate and professional students, achieving institutional recognition for the program through the Academic Strategies Program at the Poorvu Center; and successfully urged Yale to adopt and enforce a new accessible website and course materials policy.
defy 2021-22 board illustration, left ro right: Adérónkẹ́ adéjare ‘24, josie steuer ingall ‘24, joaquín lara midkiff ‘23, mafalda von alvensleben ‘22, martine cruz ‘23. artwork by von alvensleben.
DEFY has also worked with administration on improving transit opportunities for disabled students by expanding the Special Services Van fleet, making vans mobility aid accessible, and adding weekend routes. DEFY has advocated for a more allergy-friendly Yale Dining,  created the Disability @ Yale Survival Guide, coordinated awareness campaigns through social media, flyering, and campus, local, and national press,  and hosted several speakers at all-campus events.
Across Yale, the number of students with disabilities registering with SAS and receiving accommodations, tripling since 2016, is now over two thousand.  DEFY as an organization has grown to almost 300 members. We hope to continue to provide a space of community support and empowerment as we continue to work towards a Disability Cultural Center.

Past Leadership


President: Chisom Ofomata 

Vice President: Alexis Sye

Treasurer: George Karadzhov

Advocacy Advisor: Josie Steuer Ingall 

Senior Advisor: Joaquín Lara Midkiff 

Graduate Advisor: Mafalda von Alvensleben

Faculty Advisor: Katie Trumpener


President: Chisom Ofomata 

Vice President: Julia Miranda 

Treasurer: Akweley Mazarae Lartey 

Communication and Events Director: Tilly Brooks

Community and Affinity Director: Alexis Sye 

Team Support Lead: Gabriella Thompson 

Advocacy Advisor: Josie Steuer Ingall 

Senior Advisor: Joaquín Lara Midkiff 

Graduate Advisor: Mafalda von Alvensleben


President: Joaquín Lara Midkiff 

Vice President: Josie Steuer Ingall

Secretary of Events: Martine Cruz

Treasurer: Adérónkẹ́ Adéjare

Senior Advisor: Mafalda von Alvensleben


President: Mafalda von Alvensleben

Vice President: Joaquín Lara Midkiff

Secretary of Events: Josie Steuer Ingall

Treasurer: Ken Stier

Senior Advisor: Paige Lawrence


President and Peer Mentor Program Coordinator: Paige Lawrence

Vice President: Mafalda von Alvensleben

Secretary of Events: Arya Singh

Treasurer: Ken Stier

Communications Director: Joaquín Lara Midkiff

Senior Advisor: Brennan Carman 


President: Brennan Carman

Vice President & Secretary of Communications: Rose Bender

Treasurer & Secretary of Events: Jack Lattimore


President: Ben Nadolsky

Vice President & Treasurer: Matt Smith

Secretary of Membership and Peer Mentor Program Coordinator: Rose Bender

Secretary of Events: Joshua Slocum


President: Ben Nadolsky

Vice President & Treasurer: Matt Smith

Secretary of Membership: Rose Bender

Secretary of Communications: Jack Lattimore

Secretary of Events: Joshua Slocum